Saturday, May 21, 2011

Business Blogging: Where's social networking taking us? ? one cool ...

2 people water coolerSocial media and blogging are means to become generally more interested in the world around us, more open to creating new relationships, and more connected. Social media and blogging connections through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, and interactive blog discussions can be a boon to a business. Both are effective ways to promote yourself as an expert and inform a wide audience what you have to offer.

A company blog is a useful tool for small businesses hoping to give others a glimpse into the company while also promoting the company?s products and services. ? 5 Excellent Small Business Blogs To Learn From

  • Showcase Products With Visual Creativity
  • Say It With A Video
  • Think Big
  • Invite Guest Writers
  • Get Social & Personal

Markey Industy Report and Constant Contact Survey

Social media and blogging may be the the most effective pairing of communication tool humans have invented. Numbers and statistics are hard to refute. The 2011-Social Media Marketing Industry Report highlights the benefits of using social media:

  • ?72 %? said social media increases website traffic;
  • ?62% ? improved search rankings;
  • ?59% ? new partnerships;
  • ?48% ? better sales;
  • ?59% reduction in marketing costs? for self-employed;
  • ?58%? reduction in marketing costs? for small businesses;
  • ?respondents were twice as likely to increase leads using social media.

According to a survey by Constant Contact Social Marketing Takes Hold, But Traditional Marketing Still Thrives.? That survey reveals 73% of small businesses use social media, and more than half of those who do not intend to start using it next year.

The reasons for initiating or the increasing use of social media and blogging are personal preferences and connections. People like to buy products and services from qualified and competent people they know.? This personal connection is important during the process leading up to purchase, and social media and blogging are effcitive ways to get answers to questions and advice.

Not surprisingly, Facebook is still the most popular small business social media choice, and 82% of users said that it is effective up which is up from 51% a year ago. No reduction in the use of other forms of marketing was detected. The survey indicated business owners are using social media campaigns to improve rather than replace traditional marketing,.

  • 83 % percent stated email is the first tool they check when going online for their business each day
  • 72 %? check their email six or more times a day
  • 13 % check Facebook six or more times a day;
  • 6 % check news six or more times a day;
  • 4 %? check Twitter more than six times per day.

Social Media and Blogging ? Content and Distribution

In the beginning we thought social media might replace blogging but Twitter and Facebook provide great distribution for blogs. Social media site updates inform your friends you have published a new post, and they tell their friends, and so on.

Where?s social networking going to take us? It?s hard to predict. Social networking has become something done out of? pocket, whenever you have a spare 30 seconds, rather than something you sit down at your desk to work at, and the growth of mobile is going to explode.

Preparing to Pair Social Media and Blogging

If you have a small business social media can help by building a blog centered community around your business.? Take a look at demographics and scout out where your potential audience. Then,? register social media acounts so? you can connect with them? and start blogging. Through publication of useful information, and/or sharing tips and how-to?s on your blog, you can build your readers? confidence in your brand.

By following these 7 Steps to Disciplined Business Blogging your small business can take the first steps towards a highly successful business blog:

  1. Define the business goals of your blog
  2. Identify your target audience
  3. Allocate resources
  4. Create your editorial calendar
  5. Carve out time to write
  6. Listen to your audience feedback and adjust accordingly
  7. Get the word out

Facebook collects personal information from users, Insights can provide some useful demographics information for ?you.?The ?Users? graph allows you to see who ?likes? your page according to age and gender. You can also see what countries and cities your followers come from as well as the languages they speak. David Hartstein wrote a detailed post on Mashable outlining how you can get the most out of Facebook Insights for small business.

Related posts found in this blog:
Business Blogging, Freshness, Indexing and Google Caffeine
Business Blogging Poised for Growth
Business and Blogging Trends


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