Saturday, July 7, 2012

Robin's Zodiac Zone: Weekly Astrology July 9th to 15th, 2012

I offer readings by email! Astrology and Tarot $25 and up. Birthday or Wedding Astrology makes a very cool gift, even for yourself! For more info or to order use the email
Monday: Aries Moon

After a long void of course Moon, the Moon is in firestarter Aries from 8:14 am on. If the weekend was slow or lazy, or even easygoing or romantic, expect a shift today as the Moon opposite Mars in Libra looks aggrressively for resolution and calls out anything unjust. Though that issue of fairness may be skewed or misplaced since Aries Moon is first about self interest. There could be whining and complaining as well as confrontation today. Some Libra objectivity is called for. Try to step back and see the whole picture. In the evening the Moon works well with Jupiter in Gemini followed by a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Socially the potential is good, but in personal affairs watch the tendency toward gossip, hiding relevant information, and blaming someone else for what's wrong. A light, friendly night is the best plan. Late night, keep your head up and take care of each other as Uranus combines with the Moon in a burst of who knows what! Today's color is red.

Tuesday: Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries

If you're hoping for a big shake up and a change of status, role or routine, the Moon and Uranus may be just what you're looking for. However, for many it might mean too much unexpected change or chaos. Nervous energy can be the result, and thinking on our feet may be the only way. Quick reactions are in the forecast. Mercury and Venus reach out from Gemini and Leo with helpful, upbeat, and maybe inspirational energy. This is great if you work in communication, media, entertainment and the arts. Tonight the Moon squares the Sun in Cancer and if you're struggling with personal problems or plans, it could feel like stalemate or no win. We are in the Mercury retrograde zone though it doesn't officially begin until Saturday night, so be cautious rather than aggressive and take your time with decisions. Wear yellow.

Wednesday: Void of Course Moon

The Moon is void of course in Aries from 5:23 am EST until 7:30 pm. The Moon opposite Saturn near daybreak can add a very intense note to the day. It may be the day you make a well though out move. Libra and Aries may do that in terms of commitments and promises. Virgo and Pisces, think seriously about how you spend your money and any business you engage in. With out those major matters on your plate, today is meant for easygoing activities. Stay out of unproductive debates. Walk away from trouble which could accelerate more easily and have serious implications. Play a good, fair game! Integrity would be a good idea to strive for and live by (always but particularly on days like this). Tonight the Moon moves to Taurus at 7:30 pm and the message is simplify! Enjoy simple pleasures and work that's gratifying. Wear green.

Thursday: Taurus Moon

The Taurus Moon is geared toward constructive work. The Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. One effect is ambition. Revisit goals and see if the steps you're taking are effective. Gemini may feel quieter and more comtemplative today. Cancer relationships are in the forefront, even if it's only on your mind and not in your actions yet, Cancer. Neptune in Pisces encourages some daydreaming, which can in fact be the first steps in planning. We are close to Mercury retrograde, and it's a good time to make copies and backups of whatever is important to you. Tonight, the Moon squares Mercury in the passionate yet stubborn fixed signs, Taurus and Leo. We'll be committed to what we believe in and uncompromising about what we want, especially if you're born under a fixed sign including Scorpio and Aquarius too. Wear brown.


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