Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bookoo, The New Military Garage Sale Military-Military | Society news

One of the things that goes along with the military life is moving. Most military families PCS or move to a different base at least every three years, and almost all of the military families that I know would tell you that moving is stressful. There are the worries about finding new housing, new schools, a new job, new friends, and just all of the regular stressors that almost everybody feels when they are moving to a new place.

But on top of this all, many military families have stress about just finding and getting everything they need for their new house on a low budget. Those surfboards that military families stationed in Hawaii went out and bought are no longer going to do them good in the middle of Louisiana, and those skis that families stationed in Fort Carson, Colo., used to hit the snow packed mountains are not going to be useful in the middle of Fort Irwin.

So where can these families get rid of all of this and more for a reasonable price? A website that has popped up on almost every military base in the country called Bookoo.

When my husband and I first moved to Fort Polk and we were looking to buy some baby gear for our yet to be born son, we asked our neighbors if the on-post thrift shop was a great place to score some good deals. And the answer was an all around no, but one word was said by all of them, and that was Bookoo.

We both looked at each other in wonderment and asked, ?What is Bookoo?? And when we were led into our neighbor?s house and she pulled up the Fort Polk Bookoo site, we were amazed at how much better this website was then every other yard sale site we had ever been on.

It has an internal system for messaging, so you don?t have to give out your personal email, and not only was it a great place to buy and sell stuff, it was also a great place to just meet your neighbors.

The website is currently in all 50 states and in four countries. It is a site that is run by volunteers and it is purely advertised by word of mouth, and by die hard Bookoo fans ordering decals to stick on their cars in order to promote the business. The site has garnered so much attention on military bases due to the fact that moving means a lot of spring cleaning at all times of the year, and has helped many people that I know including myself buy and sell necessities at cheap prices.

Bookoo is able to connect all of these military families who need to buy and sell things, as well as the rest of the country. As the U.S.A. buckles down in this bad economy, we all would sure like to save a little green, and Bookoo is helping our military families do just that every day of the year.

Lauren Finnegan graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a bachelor?s degree in political science and has an insider?s perspective on the military because of her role as a military wife who has lived around the country.

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Question by Joe C: When were military haircuts officially used in the US Military and the official why they are used?
I would like to know when and why were military haircuts incorporated in the US military? Or where is it officially stated the when and why of military haircuts?

I have a general idea of when it was incorporated and why it is used in the military but I would like to see an official document that would state this. I have looked at many websites and military dress code manuals but could not find it. Maybe some of you military historians can answer this.

Best answer:

Answer by Josh C
I don?t know when it was instated, but it?s used to get the recuit to submit.
If a recruit can?t submit to authority over something as trivial as a haircut, how can they be trusted with a weapon? (That?s a rough quote from ?On Combat? By Col. dave Grossman)

Give your answer to this question below!


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Tags: Bookoo, Garage, military, sale


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